If it goes unchecked, toxemia can lead to the dangerous convulsions of eclampsia, or to premature separation of the placenta. 如果未得到及时的治疗,妊娠中毒症可能导致孕妇有危险的抽搐性惊厥或胎盘早期剥离。
Observation and Nursing Care of 34 Cases of Premature Separation of Placenta 34例胎盘早剥的临床观察及护理
As for the maternal complication, there were 2 cases of premature separation of placenta, 2 cases of heart failure, 3 cases kidney failure, 11 cases of postpartum hemorrhage; 孕产妇并发症中,胎盘早剥2例,心衰2例,肾衰3例,产后出血11例;
38 cases of obstetrics complicated with DIC were reported in this paper. The usual predisposing causes of the attack were hypertension of pregnancy, dead fetus and premature separation of placenta. 报道成功救治38例产科DIC的临产资料,发病诱因以妊高征、死胎,胎盘早剥多见。